Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Adjust meant Advancement

You've seen it before, it's a swivel chair; stable in design, adjustable in functionality.

It was the spring of 2008 - I sat down on a black swivel chair, all alone in a dark cold basement wondering Why? Why I couldn't hold on. Why I let go so easily, why I gather much but lose much. Why I felt empty, why I won't get ahead. Why???.

Then, a thought run through my mind. I was certain it wasn't my natural thoughts because it demanded me to do something it wouldn't do on my own.

"Stand on that chair" I sensed.
"Excuse me?", I questioned.
"Go ahead, stand up on the chair" I heard again, much clearer this time.
I hesitated, looked around, but reluctantly stood up on my swivel chair.

"You are standing high, ain't you?"
"Yes", i guess I am" with apprehension, I managed to satisfy this thought.
"Can you go any higher on this chair, Nabil?"
"No I guess not" This time my response was after careful deliberation.
"Well you can, you need to adjust the swivel latch to advance further"
"I cannot reach it standing up here" I complained.

"You're right...I will show you the principles to advancement"

What I learned that day can be summed up in 3 words: Humility, Humility, Humility.

When we recognize that we have gotten as far as we can and you cannot go any further on our own, we must begin to look at alternate ways to advance

1. Humility to take a step down - Like I could not reach the adjustment latch on the swivel chair while standing up on it, it's important to take a step down to adjust our attitude for further advancement. Attitude adjustment produces greater altitude.

2. Humility to ask for help - Since I couldn't adjust my altitude on my own from where I stood, my other alternative was to ask for help from other people who saw the latch. Seeking counsel and help from people who are willing and able to assist us adjust that latch for further advancement is invaluable. That requires communication, trust and honesty.

3. Humility to receive help - If I came down from my chair to adjust the latch, I had to climb back up to the now elevated chair. The higher the elevation, the greater the help required to get back unto it. Alternatively, If I'd asked other people to adjust the chair for me while I stood on it, It also required much humility to respond to the suggestions, advice and work with them until the desired elevation is reached regardless of how uncomfortable it got.

In hindsight, we all have 20/20 vision. Have you ever felt you needed adjustments in your own life? Have you ever felt you could have advanced further with good support around you? The good news is, It's never too late. Take courage in the scriptures "Every valley will be filled, and every mountain and hill will be leveled. The crooked ways will be made straight, and the rough roads will be made smooth" Luke 3:5

The Ashanti tribe of Ghana has the saying: "Diae Okwa kwan no nim se nekye akyea" Translated : "When we are paving our path to the future, we don't necessarily know if we are paving it straight or crooked".

We retract our steps to identify what needs to be adjusted or we rely on those around us for feedback and adjustments if necessary. In retrospect, adjust meant advancement

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I once was dead, but now I live - Do you believe this?

Easter - Jesus Christ died and Rose again...really? What does this mean to you and me? Egg hunt? Okay funny! Seriously though what's the significance? According to John 11:25-26: Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Well, let’s begin by defining death - according to, Death is defined "the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism"

No kidding – okay, let's balance things out and define Life:

Search results produced 36 definitions for life; being a simple guy, I randomly chose the first one – Life: "Being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally."

The apostle Paul made reference to this type of change in Romans 8:10 "But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness."

Okay, your body dies - End of life; but your Spirit lives - Reproduction. That is a powerful statement of hope in death. Your body dies, but your spirit lives on because Jesus Christ reproduces His life through you. Can this be what He meant by “I am the resurrection and the life? The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die?

Let’s take it one step further. What is this reproduction of Christ's Eternal Life? According to John 17:3 "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent"

We Talkin' Bout Knowledge? (Satire of Allen Iverson’s Interview on practice)

"It’s easy to talk about; it’s easy to sum it up when you just talk about knowledge. We sittin' in here, I'm supposed to be the child of God, and we in here talkin' about knowledge. I mean listen, we talkin bout knowledge. Not a salvation, not a salvation, not a salvation. We talkin bout knowledge. Not a salvation, not a, not a, not the salvation that I go out there and die for, and pray every salvation like it’s my last. Not the salvation. We talkin' bout knowledge, man. I mean how silly is that? We talkin' bout knowledge. I know I'm supposed to be there, I know I'm supposed to lead by example. I know that, and I'm not shovin' it aside, you know, like it don't mean anything. I know it’s important, I do. I honestly do. But we talkin' bout knowledge, man. What are we talkin' bout? Knowledge? We talkin' bout knowledge man. We talk... We talkin' bout knowledge. We talkin' bout knowledge. We ain't talkin' bout the salvation, we talkin' bout knowledge, man. When you come into the sanctuary, and you see me pray, you see me pray, don't you? You see me give everything I got, right? But we talkin' bout knowledge right now. We talkin' bout knowledge. Man look, I hear you, it’s funny to me too. I mean, it’s strange; it’s strange to me too. But we talkin' bout knowledge man. We not even talkin' bout the salvation, the actual salvation, when it matters. We talkin' bout knowledge."

On a serious note, why am I spending hours writing this blog instead of being out there advising clients, selling insurance, investments or registered education saving plans. I've got bills to pay you know...

Here is the bottom line. To know him and make him Known: "My people perish from a lack of knowledge" Hosea 4: 6 The apostle Paul expressed this in Philippians 3:10-11"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead"

I know Jesus Christ. Yes, I met Him and he changed my life. He is the reason: I have an education, a family; natural and spiritual, a house, a business, a Life.

Not very long ago, I was dead. Truly, just like the dictionary described. Everything in me ceased to exist. I felt nothing; I went through life like a zombie. I followed people, latest trends, music, movies, whatever was worth following, I followed…just like the chaff, tossed to and fro by the wind; on and on I went until I met Jesus Christ.

He called me out and embraced me. Instantly he showed me love that I had never experienced before. He made my life a light by making me a leader. I ceased following blindly. He showed me a vision and made it clear. He led me on a path. He knew I would need support so he planted me in a body of believers and instantly gave me a new family; a spiritual family. He reproduced and gave me the power to adapt to any environment through changes originating internally - Changes originating from His Spirit within me.

This knowledge I have of Jesus Christ does not allow me to sit back quietly when others give credit to an Easter bunny! a Rabbit! for the reason for my, our celebration of Life. His Spirit within me won’t let me stay quiet when people make this season about chocolates. No, this knowledge brings me life and has far more significance that an Easter Egg Hunt.

Jesus Christ truly is the light of this world. The one who believes in him will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in him will never die. That is the hope of eternity. "What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ". Philippians 3:8

Folks find a friend who has knowledge of Jesus Christ and talk to him/her; better yet visit a local church this Easter weekend and be honest with you... See if you too may receive this precious knowledge that produces Eternal Life. Your life depends on it.

“Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.” Hebrews 2:14-15

Monday, November 15, 2010

Love Lockdown

When steel bars wraps around a heart, it goes on Love Lockdown and that was my experience with Love.

Links break when chains are no longer needed and so is the case of a broken heart.

Love breaks the heart that dares to contain it; it knows no limit and bound by nothing. Its unyielding characteristic is ALWAYS; in trust, in protection, in hope and in perseverance. Love will break your heart - It's only a matter of time.

Love mends the heart that dares to contain it; it knows no limit and bound by nothing. Its unyielding characteristic is ALWAYS; in trust, in protection, in hope and in perseverance. Love will mend your heart - It's only a matter of time.

LOVE - It never fails.

Families fail, friends fail, lovers fail but Love Never Fails. Relationships break when the hearts involved refuse to share in love. To hold back love is to deny love. To deny love is to fail love and to fail love is to deprive love the opportunity to mend...a broken heart.

Can you relate? Will you come into a relationship - with me? This heart - It’s broken, it's mended. It's Loved.
'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. - Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam:27, 1850
Love is - Patient & kind. It doesn't envy, boast and not proud.

Pride is not vulnerable. Vulnerability is the beginning of a recognition of our imperfections - The defining pillar for any relationship. When we are able to recognize the strength in others while empathizing with their weaknesses, we weave the fabric that wraps around a winning relationship.

Love does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, and it is not easily angered.

Anger results when expectations are unmet. Expectations are present when we keep record of wrongs. To choose to love is to choose to keep no record of wrongs. To keep no record of wrongs is to have no expectations in love. It's a conundrum, but it's simple really, We DON'T have to love everyone; If we choose to love someone, we choose to risk our hearts to, protect, hope and persevere.

Can you relate? Will you come into a relationship - with this heart? It's broken, it’s mended. It's Loved.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth!

The truth is, the heart needs to receive love to feel loved; and to feel love is to contain Love; though it may eventually breaks our hearts. We risk our hearts to hurt anytime we love - the deeper in love, the higher the risk. The best chance of preserving our heart is to Receive and Release Love - with no reservations, with no fear, with absolute certainty that Love Never Fails.

***It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres***

Can you relate?
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Learn to Golf; Learn to Lead; Faith is Key

"Open you stance, lighten your grip, turn your hip on the upswing, keep your eye on the ball, hit down on the ball, the power is in the follow-through, belt buckle to the target and hold your finish"

The vocabulary was foreign, the game was foreign, the instructor was familiar. Gary Heyes is a friend of mine, a minister of the Gospel by profession, a demonstrative minister of the gospel by personality, a husband, a father and a golfer.I have met Gary Heyes outside of the premises of the church building on a number of occasions, but this time, it was at the golf driving range. Our meeting changed my golfing experience.

It was a sunny day at the Eagle Classic Golf Centre, and once again, I was there to hit some golf balls. My desire to play the game was strong, only parred by my frustrated attempt to get over my futile efforts of hitting the golf ball.

Today, Gary stood across from me with the stern eyes of an instructor "Turn those hips, and I don't want to see your right thumb, your grip should create a visible "V"; in order to do that, your right thumb should not be visible from where I stand" He would insist, "Take a practice swing" I would, and it felt odd, but when I took a swing at the ball, I made good contact. Gary will say to me "Its getting better but you're still not fully turning your hips, see the power comes when you turn those hips on the upswing and swing down and through the ball on the downswing."

He will continue to explain " See Nabil, when your grip is light, it allows the club to pivot around your fingers with minimum resistance to make better connection with the ball; you want to swing through the ball and your hand is the only connection to the club, and the club is your only connection to the ball, so in order for you to feel like you are hitting the ball, you need not feel the clubs in your hands...Take another swing." I would, he would watch, commend my progress, point out my shortcomings and repeat another slew of instructions.

He will often demonstrate by taking the club from me, assume the perfect stance and hit an unbelievable shot with excellent loft and distance. He would hand the club over to me and say, "Now, you try it".

His instructions and demonstrations were clear, stern but generous. After hitting a few dozen balls, I noticed my grip was better, so was my stance, swing and ball-flight patterns; I got better results. Importantly, I noticed that I was adapting Gary's style of playing golf.

Like most people, I thought very little of the game of golf as a sport, until I tried to take a swing at a golf ball. After many unsuccessful attempts, I finally made contact with the golf ball and projected it into space. It was an exhilarating experience. After which, I embarked on a journey to make more consistent, straight, long and accurate shots; a feat that seems to take a lifetime to master. prior to my meeting with Gary, it had been a couple of months since I made contact with the golf ball, and that evening, I felt I had broken through. I was on my way to becoming a golfer.

After my encounter with Gary, I learned from a dozen other people conspicuously and inconspicuously, however, there was one man in particular who really took interest in me and helped me adopt my own game. Kim was a retired preacher, with a new passion for golf. Each morning and evening, I would practice with Reverend Kim at the driving range. For three consecutive weeks, we would practice hitting over 200 golf balls in the morning and over 150 golf balls at night. By the end of the three weeks, I had adapted my own game. I understood golf.

When people first come to the faith, they often want to develop their own, but their desire to grow is only parred by their frustrated attempt to get over their futile efforts of living the life of faith.

They might be inspired by friends, family, minister of the gospel or persons of faith in the bible. Their attempt to emulate their role models often leads to frustration, disappointment and discouragement, mostly because they don't find the Garys' and the Kims' of the kingdom.

The Garys' and the Kims' is what is needed in the church; in our world; and on your journey today. I speak of Leadership; Selfless leadership. When someone first come into the faith, their struggle to find their way is apparent. In order to develop, they often lean on the faith of parents, friends, family and role models until they finally understand and develop their own. As much as it was important for me to lean on Gary's golfing knowledge until I developed mine, It is crucial for a new person of faith to lean on the faith of models, until they develop their own.

The founder of the Christian faith was a leader of 12 ordinary men. He took interest in them and led them by faith. They responded to his faith, adopted it and eventually developed their own. The fact that Pastor Gary and Reverend Kim are both coincidentally ministers of the gospel had little to do with their ability to help me find my place in golf; but rather, the testament to their leadership, was their willingness to take interest in me, coupled with their desire to come alongside, to help me on my way. That was selfless, that was leadership, that was faith.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Let Hope Rise!

Recently, I have been following interviews with Dambisa Moyo, a Zambian born Economist, Oxford and Harvard Graduate with an impressive resume including post with the world bank and 8 years with Goldman Sachs. She echoes most of the sentiments of many Africans and provide a much needed voice to African leaders regarding Aid to Africa.

I too share her views, partly because I was born and raised African, mostly because they are logical and true. I'm of the view that people are empowered to change their economic circumstances when the are given the time leverage and the economic framework to lend their skills to producing goods and services.

The basis for my discussion is from a human experience. Aid to Africa is like social security to the unemployed. What the unemployed need is an opportunity to work, not food stamps. In her book, Dead-Aid, Dambisa proposes a market based solution to Africa's problem. Although capitalism has not solved the world's problems it sure is the best vehicle to deliver wealth to nations. With money comes the ability to build infrastructure such as roads, hospitals, schools, and post offices. People are empowered to create wealth and re-distribute them.

Laissez-faires are not without limitations. History will suggest, the bulk of a nation's capital is owned by a few and it encourages production of luxurious and ostentatious goods by the few and for the few instead of basic necessities for the masses. The basic notion of capitalism encourages beer or car production instead of food or bicycles production.

Aid carries with it a culture of dependency. Many of my friends who regularly visit Africa tell the same story. People expect you to have money because you have lived in a western country. People expect you to give them handouts because you have lived in a western country. People will spend exorbitant amount of time following you around and call you "master" or "sir" in order to benefit from your "generosity". The fact that people equate wealth and financial assistance with the west must stem from the attitude that, the west has it all and they are giving it away. People have grown to expect remittances from the west so the incentive to work is made redundant. The media plays an important role in perpetuating this false concepts but that is another discussion.

For the most part, the aid culture has crippled Africans. From colonialism, slave trade, now corruption, foreign aid and foreign remittances. Many African people stretch their arms for someone else to deposit aid. In my previous blog titled: "I don't have much but what I have I give you", I related Africa's dependency on aid to the unemployed dependency on welfare or social security. The aid culture has placed many African's into a perpetual poverty mindset where the onus of production is repositioned on someone else.

I do not pretend to have the answers to Africa's problem but I can offer my opinion on what can be done. If development will come to Africa it has to come from people who believe their heritage is Africa; either domestically, in the diaspora or evacuated through slavery. In my experience, these groups are of all racial backgrounds. People who believe Africa is their heritage have to understand that it is impossible to evolve without a deep understanding of their heritage.

In addition, all factions of African institutions need to work together toward the common goal of development. I understand the separation of the church,the state, and the private sector. The government needs to write and enforce laws and policies. The private sector needs to use the nation's human and capital resources to produce goods and services and the religious organizations needs to guide the moral compass of the citizens. Although I feel that is predominately the duty of the family unit; In many African countries, the family unit is broken so religion has a huge appeal.

On a practical note, the religious bodies need to understand that they have a pivotal role in the development of citizens of the country and should act as a family unit to nurture young minds to positively impact society. The private sector should understand that they have an important part to play in the nations development and should demand the best graduates from the universities and colleges who will become human resources to aid in the production of goods and services to compete in international markets; the government should keep law and order, encourage education, health care, apprenticeship, entrepreneurship and construction of infrastructure to aid development.

If these parties all play their roles effectively. No African country will need aid to develop. Africa has all the resources it needs to develop. Human resources often gets drained but many people of African heritage are understanding the importance of giving back and are repatriating to Africa to help in her development.

In creation of wealth discussions, the bigger issue is value, the perceived value of a product or service determines its price. People place value on gold; It makes gold expensive. Africans value their religious leaders go government should expand and regulate their mandate. Include them in issues of national interest. Provide them with the opportunities to develop the masses that flock to them and give them an incentive to release people back into society to function in public or private sectors. People value western goods and service, so tax imports heavily and use the proceeds to provide financing for domestic goods and services, education and health care reforms. Use the media to create value for locally produced goods and services and give people incentives to produce and purchase them.

When countries talk of trade, they talk of comparative advantage. Which suggest countries should concentrate on the production of goods and services that can provide them an edge on the global market place. Another talk is of diversification of production, where countries are encouraged to spread their wings; to be jack of all trades. Regardless of the path African countries continue on, it is understandable that It will be difficult to compete with developed economies on established business models, however, Africa can compete on technological based business models such as the e-commerce market and the Stock market. African religion, especially the ones with evangelical movement formation are exported everywhere; Africa can learn from the Vatican and use religion to organize people, disseminate information, and push national agenda overseas.

If trade is what we need to create wealth, then China is open for business, If faith and religion is what we need to organize societies, then Africa has plenty of faith and religion, If government is what is needed to institute law and order, then African leaders are gradually stepping up to the plate. African leaders are listening, Often they don't know who to trust but many Africans in the diaspora are proving to be trustworthy by lending proven strategic recommendations and are hands on with the implementations. Being an optimist, I think Africa's time to develop is nearing. Aid can not be sustained. It hasn't worked in the last 50years with over a trillion United States dollars in Aid injections. It will not work in the next 50 so it's time for a better solution. If you heard from most Africans, you will hear that they want to be mentally and economically empowered to change their circumstances so, STOP carrying them!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Arise & Walk

The chiming of of the bells sounded louder today. Perhaps because I sat closer to the gates. I have been waiting for my friend Joe. Joe and I had decided earlier that week we would go to the service with the others. The events that had transpired the last couple of months have given us a reason to believe and hope again. I would never have thought to attend the gathering of the brethren ever in my life. These days anywhere they went, people followed them...they are truly turning this city on its head.

At three in the afternoon, many came from near and far to pray in the temple. I was not surprised to see the town cripple also being carried to his corner where he begged for arms from passersby. He had asked his friends to be placed in that spot because he knew most of the town folks would be passing right infront of him.

Passersby usually tossed him silver, gold and sometimes food. In response, he would utter something under his breath; "thank you" It seems. The expression on his face didn't quite complement his utterances. He looked like he was looking for more than a handout, he was looking for something more. I couldn't quite pin-point his true desires. A gentleman offered him something to eat; he smiled, took it and began to slowly unwrap the package. It was a piece of loaf wrapped in leafs. I saw him devour the loaf in three bites. "He must be really hungry"; I thought to offer him some money. I began to search my shorts for change. As I frantically moved my fingers through my pockets, I heard noise from a distance; I looked up and there they were;

Peter and John. Peter looked radiant today; the rumours were true, He walked with confidence. The word around town was that his shadow was healing the sick. I had a hard time believing it, but looking at his poise this afternoon. I think I might reconsider. They seem to be in deep thoughts, and yet appeared very approachable. Lately, they have been faithfully following the last wishes of the Teacher; they have a fancy name for it..yes they called it the great commission.

They are the cripple? I know Peter hasn't brought fish to the market since he began following the Teacher and they have been in hiding for a couple of months. I moved closer to see the amount they would place on the outstreched palm of the cripple.

Peter looked straight at him and said boldly "Look at us" He had grown confident. Just a few months ago, the little girl had asked him if he knew the Teacher and he said never. He had denied knowledge of the Teacher two other times for fear he will also suffer the same fate. Today, he appears extremely confident.

I remember just before the Teacher was taken up, he said to them; " But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." It turns out the Teacher was right all along. They were fearless now. These guys have become powerful. They had managed to get the full attention of this cripple. He was looking straight at them.

Then Peter said to him,"Silver and gold have I none, but what I have, that I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!"

I could not believe what I was hearing. Peter has grown almost arrogrant to expect a lifelong cripple to just.. rise up and walk?

He then reached out, held his right arm and helped him up, and instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong. The cripple jumped to his feet and began to walk. "Un-belie-va-ble", I managed to murmur as my Jaws dropped. I have seen the Teacher perform incredible miracles, but Peter, John? This is amazing.

The town cripple was ecstatic, totally rapturous. Eventually he calmed and went to the temple with Peter and John, all the while walking, jumping and praising God, "Halleluja, halleluja" He sang and danced his way into the temple.

I had witnessed the most incredible act of faith and seen true liberation in a moment. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and it was my friend Joe. He asked what had just happened. He had seen many people running into the temple to hear of the story of the town cripple walk for the first time.

I turned to Joe and said, you know Joe, I learned something today. The crippled man, never needed our silver and our Gold. Those things were good for him, but what he really needed was to be empowered to change his circumstances. What he really needed was to be just like us, to walk freely.

From what I have witnessed today, I think no amount of money could have given him the joy that radiated out of him from the experience of walking freely.

We silently walked together to the temple where Peter and the others glorified the name of Jesus Christ.

**This is a story of a man who was truly liberated from his predicament. He had learned to live with it all his life but in an instant, he was free...completely liberated from his lifelong disability.***

In June of 2008, I commented on one of Floyd McClung's article." Africa does not need more foreign aid"

In my comments, I suggested three principles illustrated in Acts 3:5-8 that can empower people to change their circumstances. To some of my audience, I add a fourth.

First Principle: - Winning
They have to get the attention of a role model: ” Then Peter said, “Look at us!” 5So the man gave them his attention,”

Second Principle: - Consolidating
They have to be offered the same freedom that was offered to us: “6Then Peter said, Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

Third Principle: - Discipling
They need someone to hold them up by their strong hand until their feet gets strong enough to be independent. “7Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.”

Fourth Principle: - Sending.
They need an avenue to express outwordly, their new found freedom and an opportunity to be a witness. "8He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.

On one weekend service, Pastor Bob Leach gave a great illustration with three young ladies. on 2 Timothy chapter 2

"The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."

So, What can we give?.... simply, what have we been given?

We all don't have much to give, but if we gave what we have been freely given, we will find in us, lies the ability to set others free from their lifelong disabilities.

"Silver and gold have I none, but what I have, that I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!" Simon Peter, Galilean fisherman.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I double-, no, triple-dog dare you!

He had stepped out of the boat many times before, but there was something different about this step. It felt different. His feet, just like his heart sunk as he stepped in; hoping to catch the familiar sandy beach, he couldn't feel the ground, but the surface surprisingly felt stronger than he had ever experienced. He swallowed and sighed as he locked his focus unto his friends', who stood a few feet from him.He had come to know and trust him.

He recalled the fishing experience, that's where it all began. He had learned to depend on him since. He reflected on the monotonous and confining life he lived prior to meeting his friend. That has all changed now... He is enjoying his new life and now this...this is just super sensational. He knew he didn't deserve this friendship but he had become used to his friend over time and he'd grown to trust him completely.

"Should I come further?" he shouted. "Come", his friend said gently. He took another step and tried to keep his balance. It was unnecessary as the bottom of his feet felt stronger than before. “This is not so bad" he thought to himself and took yet another step; He grew increasingly confident with each step forward. His gaze was now completely fixed on his friend. He knew he had to pay attention...he was walking on water.

He had managed to block out all the distractions around him and had taken enough steps forward. It seemed he'd gotten far away from his familiarities, the safety and sound of the boat, the panic in the voice of his friends who thought he was an idiot to try something like that, the naysers, and those who urged him on. Everything had died down. It was quiet.Almost too quiet for him because he began getting concerned with the serenity of his environment, "I am doing something I never dreamed possible, and yet nothing is happening...there must be something wrong" He thought to himself. The walk seems to be taking forever; he was losing his excitement, it wasn't daring any longer, in fact it was getting a bit mundane for him. "I have taken enough steps to know my way around I really need to fix my eyes on my friend, I’m pretty sure I can manage"

He felt his heart skip a beat as the string of thoughts crossed his mind. His heart began to beat faster, his mind raced, he began to shake vehemently as he felt the cool ocean breeze on his skin ...the urge was getting stronger and so was the sound of ocean waves and the violent winds. He thought it was only a matter of time...before he looked away. His knees got weaker. The noise around him had become unbearable, feeling totally distracted, it was getting difficult to hold his focus. He had enough experience to know he couldn't survive the magnitude of the storms if he lost his ground. He compared himself to the size of his circumstances and imagined his perceived problems will dwarf this point he had grown extremely flabbergasted. He longed for the comfort of the boat, the familiar sights and sounds to offer him support if he were to loose his ground. He had become totally convinced; drowning was inevitable, he took one more step forward; he missed his step and looked away.

Like a ton of bricks, what seem like a million gallons of water smashed against his face. He felt the drag from the violent wind. The ground he stood on had given in. He was swept off by another wave. "I am drowning!" he streamed. Struggling to catch his breath, another wave tossed him upside down, and he let out an aghast scream, Save me Lord” Immediately, he felt the comfort of his friend's palm in his palm and felt his feet get secured again, before he could say anything, he heard the disappointment in his friends tone. "You have so little faith, why did you doubt?”

This is a story of a man who actually stepped out of a boat in the middle of the ocean. It is apparent that he was inspired by his friend whom he had grown quite fond of.

If you've been around business for a while, you probably have heard words like, step out of the boat. It’s usually a dare to assume a challenge. Sometimes it is direct, like get out of your comfort zone. Many people have taken on the dare and began taking steps forward. Often, in the process, many loose sight of their inspiration. Sometimes they feel they don't need any more inspiration and that they can accomplish the journey themselves, other times they loose confidence in their ability to accomplish the task they made a commitment to. Unfortunately, it is during these times that many feel dwarfed by their circumstances.

Feelings of insecurity have become accepted as a natural human experience, however there are times that you feel above your insecurities, you become invincible. Sport's commentators have a name for it...”the zone”. In the zone, everything is possible. Recently the Boston Celtics won their 17th championship, beating the Los Angeles Lakers 4–2 in the 2008 NBA Finals. Kevin Garnett was interviewed after the game, hyped to the T, and swollen with emotion, he cried out "Anything is of the world, top of the world!!!" Many times though, we don't all feel on top of the world, we often wonder if we are ever going to get through to our destination. I will like to suggest that in moments when we waver in doubt, there is one thing we have done for certain. We have taken our eye off our inspiration.

In life there will always be people, things and circumstances that are and will be bigger, stronger, better, smarter, confident than we are and will ever be, but none of them is in our shoes at the moment. None of them have been inspired to step out of the boat the way we have been. We have been inspired, and we have responded, we have taken some steps of faith, and we've seen progress and grown confident. Our challenge is not to allow the winds and storms into our imagination. They were there before we took the first step; they will be there when we get to our destination. In fact, that is their place, they will always be there. We have done great by becoming oblivious to them thus far; continue to keep them at bay and take another step forward. The boat and the familiar are behind you now. Take yet another step forward… lock your sight on your inspiration. You will get to your destination.